If the Lord leads you to it He will lead you through it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A MOM'S vote

Before I was even married or pregnant I thought it would be great to have a boy as my oldest child. The thought of The Older brother sounded great. When we got pregnant with Topher we were hoping for a boy, but you can never really predict until they tell you or until they are born. So, when we found out we were have a boy we were ecstatic. I think I was a little relieved, having a girl kind of scared me. There is a lot of STUFF that comes with a girl. I think Chris liked the idea of having a little boy ... because what man doesn't want a boy first to continue his name. At first I thought ... have a boy first then a girl so the boy will keep the dad occupied while I hang out with my little girl.

After Toph was born and we were discussing future children we talked about how it would be fun to have 2 boys in a row. Mostly so that Toph would have a buddy growing up. Chris was the only boy in his family and think he wishes he had a brother. Well, he had me convinced that it would be the best for Toph to have a brother (not that I have control over the sex of my babies) and then our third would hopefully be a girl.

Come to find out Chris wanted to have a boy(s) so that the boy to girl ratio would be higher. I think he felt out numbered growing up and wanted to make up for that. :)

He didn't really disclose his plan fully until we found out our second (due June 26th) will be a boy. It was then that he let out a semi evil chuckle and said, "sweet, now the boys will out number the girls.") Little does he know that a mom's vote more than out weighs a toddlers, an infants, and a big kids vote. If not, Chris will be taking two boys out a lot without mom. HAHAHA!!! Just kidding . We are excited to have another little boy in the making. Two boys running around will definitely keep things fun and interesting.


Rose said...


Bridget said...

Congratulations! Brothers are great.

Julie said...

yay!! Congratulations!!! I'm excited for you guys!!

Alan said...

Yay!!! Such wonderful news! Power to the boys!

Grossarths said...

How exciting! I hope you've been feeling okay and that those boys are taking care of you! Tell Chris he planned things wrong. Now he will get to take two boys everywhere while you go to the spa to be pampered, until your little girl comes in the future... That will be so fun for Toph to have a little brother to wrestle with! We miss you tons as well and wish we could get together for playdates!

Tasha said...


Chelle said...

Belated congrats, but congrats nonetheless!